Friday, October 31, 2008

Andrew's First Field Trip

Andrew had his first pre-k field trip to Washington Farms Pumpkin Patch
I was excited my self, I was able to get a sub for my class so I could go with him
(not in order) They were able to pick out their own little pumpkin
I think this was his 3rd pick, good job Andrew. That is the perfect pumpkin
Was still looking at this point, I think he was the last one to finally pick one out
Brrrrrrrr, was it cold, to him. I loved it! It was just the wind that made it so cold. We still had a good time, we had layers on, but still had red faces and hands were numb. Love it!!!!
Andrew and his friend Andrew walking around in the pumpkin patch checking things out
Andrew's favorite part of the field trip. He was the first to get on the hayride. He loves tractors!
Andrew and his buddy Andrew about to take off on the hayride
Andrew and his class also got to go see some animals at the petting zoo they had there. I had a good time on your field trip Andrew!! I can't wait until the next one!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

It's good to be a Redneck

Monster Truck Rally, 2008Last weekend we went to see the "Monster Trucks" with some good friends of ours. Andrew, Morgan and Eric had a blast! Here is Andrew's Favorite Truck. Green of course with flashing red lights.
They jumped and crushed cars..which the kids thought was "So cool", and "awesome" and "check it out" and "whoa"!!!!! Truth be known, Andrew probably said "Yee Haw" a few times too!Showing off, it was quite loud especially in a small arena and being just a few rows up.
Here are a couple of the monster trucks that were at Stone Mountain this past spring, and the kids loved seeing them again.
Andrew took this picture, not bad
Morgan, Eric and Andrew. Of course Morgan had to hang with the boys and couldn't be left out of any of the pictures or excitement..
Trick or treat with the drivers in the Monster Truck Pit Garage.
Daddy and Morgan enjoying the show and each other.
Eric with his diet coke, what a cutie!
There is another cutie, she had a blast!!
Figured it out on her own real quick how to plug her ears and enjoy the show!
He already had it figured out. That is his firework face and hands over ears too.
Didn't last long, whoa!! yea!! check it out!! is all we heard all night!!!!!!
Eric was caught plugging his ears too, it was very loud, but a great show!!
What a fun night. We love spending time with our friends and the kids had a blast watching and listening to the loud roar of the Monster Trucks. Andrew was disappointed that "Grave Digger" was not at the show, but we will definitely be taking him in January to the Big Show at The Ga Dome with the "Big Dogs" of Monster Trucks, and Morgan too. Hope you can join us Eric!

Monday, October 27, 2008

A Collage of the kids

This is a sweet picture of the kids at the creek of course, our favorite hang out. They are the best of buds, so far!
Here is Morgan on the bridge collecting leaves, I think this is the day we were waiting to go get Andrew from school and a deer ran right out in front of us on the trails, of course I don't have a camera that fast. Also the day I was suppose to go vote early(note her patriotic shirt), but what an ordeal that has been with all my address/license and tag changes! I am finally going tomorrow in hopes they have me registered, and I don't get turned away again, God Bless America(or our local government)
Kids just being kids, they love it out there! I know that is where they will spend all their days playing!
Mark took Andrew's training wheels off finally. He did ok until he crashed, Morgan cheering him on.
She was so proud to be sitting in Andrew's car seat and wearing my sunglasses. This is on the way to church. Andrew rides with Mark sometimes in the mornings to church now because he is such a big boy, (and mark works on the house afterwards)and Morgan loves just riding with mommy.
Andrew at the sand pit at the new house. Mee mee hooked them up with some fun toys.
Morgan and her leave! We have quite the collection so far. Andrew can't wait to rake them up and then jump in them.
Just swinging at the park.
Morgan and her friend Abbe, she is all about being a "big girl", does better on the big swing.
2 little monkeys swinging from the tree....My kids are such climbers, make me nervous, but I have to let them be kids!
Hanging on for dear life, daddy down below of course
Just swinging at Grand's house on the play set. We will definitely be getting our own maybe by next spring, but won't keep us away from the parks!
ok ,this is really for Lee and Karen. Hat look familiar? and I don't know what it is, but the child strips down to her diaper for dress up! She is a hoot!
Andrew and his cars, and of course I can't keep him off the kitchen floor!!!!!
Chick-fil-a fall festival.
Watch out Andrew, Here she comes......
Andrew getting his picture with the cow
Morgan wouldn't stand with the one in costume so she picked this one, I guess she thought it was safer. She is now scared of people in costumes and andrew is not? Use to be the opposite.
Well that was just a collage of pictures of my sweet babies. They are so precious and just thought I would share some of their pictures.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

School Days

This is a picture of my kids I help with 2 days a week. 2 1/2-3 year olds. It was Community Worker week and we got a visit from the Barrow County Animal Control. They are so cute!It was community helper week a couple of weeks ago at our school. (I am still behind on blogs). The Barrow County Animal Control came out with their truck and cages, etc. and spent some time with the kids. Next week is community helper dress up day, and Andrew is dressing up as a animal control worker. He passed up policeman and fireman only because we have the real cat cages and he is going to put some stuffed animals in it and dress up for the occasion. He thinks the cages are so cool!
Our schools pumpkin patch. I just liked this picture thought I would add it to the blog.
Morgan's twin and partner in crime They could pass as sisters!
I couldn't get them to look at me together of course. They look so much a like! So cute!
The Animal Control had their undivided attention.
In our chapel for the visit
Andrew and his buddy Andrew and another friend from his class.
Hey the cage is just his size. He would of got in to the cage if they let him.

Well that was a fun morning. All the kids loved the visit from animal control. Next week will be fun when Andrew dresses up as one. I can't wait until next week with all of our fall party's and field trips, then Halloween! Who's the kid? oh well I am a big kid myself! You have to be one to work with them!! I love my job and all my kids. We are so blessed to be a part of such a wonderful School!
