Sunday, June 6, 2010

Random pics

Kids 1st time in a pool this year was at our good friends house last weekend,the water was nice, cooked out, fun times with good friends.
Morgan is a little fish
but it takes Andrew a little time to warm up to the water,just like his Daddy!

I was finally able to go visit my friend a co-worker at preschool and her Miracle baby. I thought Morgan was little,but this baby was even smaller. Right at about 6 weeks early,almost 4 pounds when born, now 4 #13oz,she is home. Mommy and baby are doing very well. Baby faith. The name says it all. Makes me want another one!

My garden,not much. 2 tomato plants and 6 cuccumbers. Not much,but I do not have a green thumb what so ever,and just proud I haven,t killed anything yet. I just got flower blooms this week,so hopefully I will see some baby veggies soon,kids are excited! Morgan wants to pick them when they are ready,but she won't eat any of it of course. Next year I will go a little bigger,depending on how I do this year. Mark dug it for me,but I have done the rest,not bad for my 1st little garden.

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