Sunday, July 27, 2008

Morgan's 2 year Birthday Celebration at Stone Mountain Park

We had Morgan's 2 year Birthday party at Stone Mountain Park. It was a very warm, but beautiful day. We set up tables in the picnic area and had Subway, chips, watermelon , cake and ice cream!! After the party and opening presents we all headed to the big lawn in front of the mountain to watch the Laser show with all of our family and friends. 30 total!! It was so much fun! Can't wait to do it next year, Stone Mountain seems to be a tradition for Morgan's Birthday Party celebration so far! Same area, different spot this year. We enjoyed it and so did she!

Morgan and her friend Zachary. He is trying to get then both a punch balloon, so much for the decorations.

I am ready to eat. Birthday girl goes first. Even if I am going to have just chips and cake!
Her own little private picnic. Eating in a big girl chair with her cousin Sheridan.
We had all of our family and close friends to help us celebrate! 30 all together!

Morgan's "Dora" cake. Decor is a Dora castle with a track of course for Dora and her horse. Daddy helped decorate it. Not many pictures (in my camera) of Mark. He is behind the scenes, but he was there!
More of our friends and family.
I am having a great time at my party, I am ready to open my presents!
A rare photo. ME and Morgan! I am always behind the camera(not a bad thing).

Time for presents! She was given plenty of Dora dolls, movies, clothes, books, and a entire baby set for her new room(bed, high chair, swing) and getting a kitchen set just for her when we move in.

Little stinker wouldn't blow her own candles out! Sheridan, Zachary, myself and Andrew had to help. I think mark is partially in this picture!
She had a lot of presents to open. Opened until dark, then it was time to go to the Laser show!

Almost done. She had an entire picnic table full of presents to open!

That's all!! Thank You everyone!!!!
Morgan and one of her friends on the big lawn getting ready for the Laser show. Running around barefoot of course!
How precious! We caught Morgan with her arm around Andrew, sitting next to her 2 favorite friends Eric and Zachary during the laser show.! How sweet. Perfect way to end a fun party with the ones she loves! She loves Andrew! He is her absolute favorite person in the whole world!
We can not believe Morgan is 2 years old already! Time flies! We had a wonderful time celebrating her Birthday Party at Stone Mountain Park with lots of family and friends. We had good food, cake, lots of presents and finished off the night with the Laser show.
It was one of the best shows at the Mountain in the 20 plus years we have been going!Awesome fireworks too! Perfect ending to a fun, perfect Birthday Celebration!Happy Birthday Morgan!
We love you Morgan! We Thank God everyday for you! You are precious and we couldn't imagine life without you. Your Big brother Andrew Loves and adores you. Your Family Loves and cherishes you! Your friends enjoy you and love you very much.
We are so grateful for you and you mean the world to us! We are still in awe of God's blessings he has given us through adoption. We are grateful for the blessing of parenthood God has allowed us to experience. We are also grateful for the people he has put in our lives at the right place and time in order for us to have these two precious children! We are blessed beyond measure and hope to have many more Birthday celebrations to come!

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