Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Andrew and Eric's Sleep over

Having their milk before bed in their "Cars" sleeping bags they are actually sleeping in this time!
Eric's newly designed room by his mommy,Betsy. She is so talented! She should be an interior designer when she is not teaching!!! I can't wait to use her expertise in Andrew and Morgan's new rooms.
I knew cars, trucks, trains, and vehicles would be involved at some point of the sleep over!!!!!
Eric and his speed racer pj's, what a cutie!!!!! Look's sleepy too!!!!!
Just hanging!!!!!
Aren't they precious! They could pass as twins! Probably watching "Speed Racer".........
Coloring and Snack time, let the sleep over begin.............

Andrew and his good friend Eric had their second sleep over at Eric's house. They watched speed racer, played in the pool, hot tub, went for sonic milk shakes and just hung out. The next day they finished it off with going to "Chukee Cheese". They have a ball every time they are together. We can't wait until we move in to our new house so Andrew can start having sleep overs too!

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