Saturday, August 22, 2009

Dora live Show at the Fox Theatre

Oops I can't figure mark's lap top out just yet,but this is Morgan on our way to the Dora Live show,she was so excited and has talked about it ever since I told her we were going!
Well Morgan got her wish. She absolutely Loves Dora and has the hair to match(bad subject and it will grow),but we were lucky enough to be able to go see it today. A friend of mine gave us free tickets who we also went with and her little girl who is also a big fan of Dora! Thank You Maria! I wish we had a chance to of taken more pictures but cameras were not allowed during the show of course and it was all a blur,good show though! The only thing they could of left out was the 20 minute which seemed longer "intermission' aka "potty" break but we enjoyed all of it and very thankful we were able to go! Good Girl's Day out!(Even though I think Andrew would of enjoyed it too)Oops,I have yet to figure Marks new laptop out but can blog in a mili second ,so I am just going to leave this one alone,on out way to the show,she was so excited and talked about it all this week!
Cheese(real quick pic) oh that "Dora Hair'!!!
Morgan(Caidy Rae and A part of Maria) lol-They were given "Estrella's" Stars,so they saved us money on souveiners! Thanks Dora!Once again.....OOPS, on the way home. All Dora'd out! I think I am too for a while. I told maria it will be Hannah Montana in a year are so,we need to pace ourselves! Fun day though!

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